A new title and artwork is born for the next Indian / Tibetan ambient excursion.... This follows in spirit behind my first dedicated I/T release "Mankiala Stupa Aura" and will be titled Nyingmapa - named after the oldest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism... Something about striking a Tibetan bowl..........................................................................................................................(yep, the sound lasts longer than the span of those dots and taps into your soul)... The overtones and resonance is otherworldly, and has not been captured enough in ambient recordings... Lately, I've been experimenting live with the app Samvada - it literally puts you into a trance when flipping on the "mic" input and set the sympathetic drones to capture the nature around you. Magical... Cool news - it will be prominent on the Indian influence of the recording, which I cannot wait to share... The photo is by a Chinese amateur nicknamed "littlexu" and I find the photo mesmerizing... We've always wanted to travel to Nepal/Tibet/Bhutan/India - but seeing a photo like this almost makes you feel like you are there...