I just included links to a few new recordings "Lunasonar", "Manta Sky", "Ganga" and "Amphibialien (Remixed)"... So - you can download for free / donate ---or--- pay retail at a whole lot of digital distribution machines on the web. And, as you know - you can always try to steal it... ;-)
I have a pretty big amount of stuff in the pipeline that is pure ambient - much in the spirit of the latest material... It will be dribbling out regularly for the next year...
Also - very cool... I've been yapping a little via IM with Candice Michelle who is the goddess behind Journeyscapes online radio... She is playing some of my material and a host of other interesting musics from the ambient, chill, electronic genres... So, show your support and tune in to Candice's project! You'll get beautiful music in return....
Finally, small world... I was searching online for a musician I have listened to for years - and, find that he has been VERY busy lately. Also, he has an online radio station "Mosty Ambient" beaming from Manchester, UK... And, to my surprise - is playing my stuff over the waves... Pretty wild...
Anyway - Bing Satellites' music is just gorgeous. I have been a giant Harold Budd fan since the late 1970s and his music evokes the same kind of "aaaahhhhhh"....
You can find his material at: http://bingsatellites.bandcamp.com/